Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Weekly Review Wednesday!

Today I will do my first tabletop gaming review (though I may move them to Tuesdays or Thursdays...primarily for the joys of alliteration.  I do love alliteration)

This Week's Review:
Boxers or Briefs.

#of Players: the box says 4-10.  I feel this is fairly accurate.  Like Apples to Apples, this game is best played with the more the merrier.
price: is giving me like $15 but We got it for $8 at Walmart...
Rating: On a scale of Muggle to 1337,
I would give this game a rating of Muggle.  It's cheap, easy to understand and fun to play.  No complicated rules or exceptions and special circumstances.  you deal a hand of cards and play.

This game is actually quite similar to Apples to Apples in that you are trying to impress the judge (which varies every turn) by playing cards that relate to a I Statement based randomly on a die roll (I like, I want etc)

The great part of this game is that there are two winners every round.  The true statement winner and the funny statement winner.
You see, the cards have plain statements like "I like to go camping"
and they have ridiculous statements like "I like to wear my underwear on my head"

it is up to the players to decide which card to play, and up to the judge to decide which is funny and which is true.

I have played this game twice, with two completely different groups of friends
both times the results were hilarious, fun...and sometimes WAY too much information,
however, I would definitely recommend this for a group of friends who are playing with the intent of having fun.

the game is easy to understand, fun to play and some of the statements on the cards are just hilarious.  It's not monopoly or risk or anything with too many rules or pieces so its a great icebreaker for new friends, or a good game to play if you plan on drinking as well ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the board game reviews! I want to start getting some to play with friends or Aedan's friends when he gets into school, so the information is great!
