Thursday, October 11, 2012


Thought I forgot about this, huh??  Nah, just revamping, focusing on other gaming stuff and getting a job...


The Card Game GLOOM

# of players: 2-4 (way better with 4)
price: $24.95
Rating (muggle to 1337)

In my opinion, this is a great and fun game to play.  It's easy, not too quick, but not too long, and it's fun.  The best part about this game is the storytelling behind it. Get creative! It's way more fun that way!

How to Play:
Pick a family! there are four families you can play in this game, and each family has 5 members.  You're goal is to make every member of your family die as miserable as possible, and to do your best to make your opponent's family live a wondrous and happy life with little to know obstacles and tons of sunshine and rainbows.

deal your hands. you either get pleasant cards (to place on your opponents family) or unpleasant occurrences (to subject your own family to).  Once one player's entire family is dead and gone, add up points. Player with the most points wins.  don't forget to subtract points for the finer points of your character's lives!

This is great game to play when you're tired of games. Seriously, it's lighthearted, creative...and actually quite competitive.  My friends and I had a great time screwing with each other's families and teaming up on each other.

1 comment:

  1. here's where you can purchase GLOOM
